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About Ottaviani

Passion is certainly the link between a Family name and the excellence on a profession.
The family is Ottaviani and the profession is its interpretation of silver trough a history and tradition that since 1945 build the prestige and the evolution of a name, today synonymous with Innovation, Professionalism and Experience.

Now day, the company creative team together with the contribution of international designers promote an incessant evolution and innovation both in design and production techniques.

Ottaviani experience and proficiency in processing and using the silver as a warm, bright and precious material ensure the perfect execution of designs that express prestige, sophistication and charm.

Decorative and functional object for interior, jewelry, bijoux, and in general all the Ottaviani creations are never common, but always inspired by and dedicate to sophisticated atmosphere and desire.

Ottaviani, historical company and market leader in the field of silver, is renewed today, both in its management structure and product development, constantly reaffirming its leadership trough talent, creativity and a marketing oriented management that identify and face the market both difficulties and input. Alongside the Ottaviani Jewelry collection in silver 925 for woman, man and children, is the bijoux line that making colors and materials its strength creates sophisticated and very fashionable items.

Produced by Zheta International